GreenLight Digital Pressure Testing Suite
Drilling oil and gas wells has the possibility of significant impacts to both the environment and rig personnel. The blowout preventer (BOP) is a critical piece of well control equipment designed to keep both the environment and personnel from harm. Both state and federal regulations reflect this by requiring strict testing BOP protocols be satisfied.
The GreenLight Application Suite is a set of software that aides operators in safely and objectively testing their BOP's and choke manifolds. GreenLight saves time but more importantly is easy to use.
The GreenLight Application Suite is a set of software that aides operators in safely and objectively testing their BOP's and choke manifolds. GreenLight saves time but more importantly is easy to use.
What is GreenLight?

The GreenLight Suite
Intelligence and Performance
Real-Time Monitoring
Greenlight and GREENLIGHT are registered trademarks of Hecate Software, Inc.
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